The Baker House Dining Committee should be
shook hand for taking the proposal to provide excellence on-campus food
Many students have hungered for a way to prove there is an improved
way than ARA.
At Baker, they have come ahead with this proof, representing that
students can provide a practical option, at least on a small scale.
Under ARA, Baker was losing $10,000 a month last year which was
roofed by MIT. Because the Institute refused to continue making up for the
wounded past July 1, ARA seemed poised to fold up dining services at Baker.
The residents of Baker felt otherwise, and decided they deserve better action.
The student committee is now running the dining hall which started last week.
Thanks to students, Baker Dining stands prepared to deal with the real concerns
of clients.
The revamped dining hall features
vegetarian options, diverse meal sizes, and student-friendly schedules.
Most importantly, the student committee has promised to pay more
concentration to student remarks and complaints.
Optimistically this will allow them to provide the elasticity
always deprived of by the ARA administration.
The inventiveness being taken at the Baker House dining hall
affects all students at MIT who will use food services on site.
A victorious Baker dining hall will serve as a model for student empowerment
and will hopefully give confidence other such operations.
If nothing else, perhaps it may give ARA the signal that students demand and
wish to work for better services. Owing to this, any increase in student
empowerment requires the support of all members of the MIT community.
Not only that the dining shows are the part of the Florida or Orlando theme
parks. The tale doesn't stop here. Disney world offers the opportunity of
enjoying this by giving occasional discount tickets.